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Do you have psi abilities?

Many people have had precognitive dreams or successful intuitive hunches and would like to know if they might have psychic (or "psi") abilities. To provide a simple way to explore these abilities, this site provides a suite of psi tests. The tests are fun (and use validated statistics) and you'll get immediate feedback about your performance. There are also various "Halls of Fame" where you can compare your performance with others.

Keep in mind that your results should only be considered suggestive, because high scores in these tests can be due to chance as well as to actual abilities. Only repeated testing can distinguish between luck and genuine psi abilities.

This site is part of a research program to assess if psi is genuine. Because of that, you will be asked to first perform some psi tests and fill up a survey. After that, you will be able to access the rest of the games. We apologize for the hassle, but it is a small price to pay to access these free games. If you perform well on the tests, you might be contacted and paid to perform additional tests. The tests are entirely anonymous. We are a 3+ star rated non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and we rely on donations and will not sell your personal data. We will never email you marketing material. To report a bug, please email research at

We have discovered that some web browser techniques allow some users to trick some of the games (if you see a perfect score, it does not mean it is real :-). We have resolved the issue but, to avoid disruptions, the website will only be updated in October 2024.

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